Tesla is facing a lawsuit over alleged discrimination, including displays of racist material and retaliation against employees who complained, at its California factories. The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has filed the lawsuit in Northern California’s district court, claiming that Tesla violated the 1964 Civil Rights Act by retaliating against African-American employees at its Fremont factories who reported concerns about racist graffiti and mistreatment.
The lawsuit alleges that since 2015, African-American employees were exposed to racial slurs, epithets, and symbols, both in displays and verbal discrimination from non-African-American coworkers, including those in positions of authority over the employees involved in the suit. The graffiti was reportedly found on various surfaces, including desks, elevators, and production equipment. The graffiti involved several racial slurs, slogans from the Klu Klux Klan, and Hakenkreuz, the cross-like symbol which has often been referred to as the Nazi Swasitka.
In addition to the graffiti, the lawsuit states that the use of racial slurs, including the N-word, was common among non-African-American coworkers and supervisors. Workers have reported being referred to as derogatory terms and even mocked with “monkey” noises.
The lawsuit also alleges that when employees reported harassment and graffiti, they faced retaliation in the form of schedule changes, unfavourable duties, reassignments, unjustified write-ups, and termination. In some cases, African-American employees were fired shortly after reporting harassment, which the suit claims was in violation of Tesla’s policy not to retaliate.
The suit further alleges that supervisors and human resources officials at Tesla often failed to take appropriate action or refused to intervene when they witnessed or were informed about the discriminatory behaviour.
The EEOC invited Tesla to engage in informal mediation procedures to address the discriminatory practices, but the company did not agree to terms that the commission found acceptable.
This is not the first time Tesla has faced lawsuits related to racial discrimination, particularly at its Fremont factories. Despite these legal challenges, Tesla’s stock value has continued to rise, raising questions about how some supporters of the company view the allegations of racism at the locations where Tesla vehicles are manufactured.